BioHorizons Hybrid Zirconia Abutments

BioHorizons Hybrid Zirconia Abutments

BioHorizons Hybrid Zirconia Abutments

When esthetics mean everything, Vulcan's family of hybrid zirconia restorations are just the solution you need. Hybrid restorations enable you to bring the resilience and translucency of natural teeth to implant restorations, without compromising the implant/abutment connection. Our zirconia implant abutments are supported by authentic Titanium bases, providing a reliable interface with implants and screws for a variety of implant platforms. Hybrid restorations can be fabricated using any of the ceramic materials offered by Vulcan Custom Dental.

Hybrid Full Contour restorations provide a monolithic solution for increased strength, secure placement, and ease of laboratory finishing. This is an ideal choice for screw-retained restorations.

Hybrid Abutments provide the basis for creating some of the most attractive ceramic implant restorations. Vulcan's hybrid abutments allow you to achieve natural color and translucency for the anterior esthetic zone that cannot be achieved with metal abutments.

Authentic Connection

Vulcan is the only FDA validated milling center for authentic BioHorizons custom abutments and bars.

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